I recently downloaded CSLA and have been playing around with the base classes. I'm only up to Chapter 3 in the book, so I'm not sure how everything works yet, but I wanted to see if something was possible before continuing to read:
Is it possible to merge data into a business object in place (without having to throw out to current business object)?
Here's my scenario: I'm developing various applications where I create hierarchical lists of data to be plugged into grids. I want to set up timers so that the data in the grid is refreshed continuously. If I change the DataSource of a grid to a new object, the row expansion will be lost, so I want to be able to merge the data into the grid's current DataSource object.
Is it possible to add to/remove from/edit the items in the list, and afterwards have everything set to be not dirty? That is, can I force a bunch of changes into the lists of business objects and the business objects and tell them that they are clean (this is assuming that the changes I make will cause the objects to become dirty)?
While I was playing with the base classes I implemented a dummy merge that merged two nearly identical lists of business objects together to see what would happen. I'm guessing using .Save() on the parent list would cause the changes to be applied, but will it do so through the DataPortal? I don't want the changes due to the merge to try to be saved back to the database, since I just got the most recent changes. I want the business object to remove the deleted rows and make any other necessary changes to force itself to be clean after the refresh.
I'm not sure about all of the details of CSLA yet so I might not be thinking about this correctly.
I figured when my applications run initially, I would get an initial list of business objects. Then on a timer caused refresh I would figure out the changes (perhaps by getting a whole new temporary set of the business objects to compare against) and manually update my current list of business objects (by changing values, adding objects, and removing objects). At this point my list of business objects would be up to date, so I would want to force the list and its objects to consider themselves clean, since any changes they would have would have been done by me in code .
Is it possible to override Save() to confirm the refresh changes (forcing deletes, adds, and edits to actually happen) while not actually trying to do anything about them through the DataPortal ?
lotrij:Is it possible to override Save() to confirm the refresh changes (forcing deletes, adds, and edits to actually happen) while not actually trying to do anything about them through the DataPortal ?
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