Question about EditableChild template

Question about EditableChild template

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wjcomeaux posted on Friday, November 17, 2006

The template generates this code.

#region Factory Methods
 private static int _newID = -1;

 internal static T NewBuildingEC()
  T child = DataPortal.Create<T>();
  child._id = _newID--;
  return child;

Where the _newID is created if the object has an Identity field. What is the purpose of the child._id = _newID--? Won't this simply always assign child._id a value of -2 since newID is defaulted to -1? Or am I reading this incorrectly?


rasupit replied on Tuesday, November 21, 2006

This is c# decrement operator.  Post fix decrement assign the value _before_ it has been decremented.

You can find more detail info on how it works at,


wjcomeaux replied on Tuesday, November 21, 2006

OK, but I was wondering why the negative ID values? Is this simply to keep them unique and also a value that the database would find invalid? Or is there some other reasoning.

P.S. on my other posts, not sure how I missed the XSD file in that directory. :( That would have saved me a LOT of time. :)



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