Csla.Net Code Gen
Old forum URL: forums.lhotka.net/forums/t/1827.aspx
sam posted on Friday, November 24, 2006
Hello friends,
I am newbie to csla.net.we are just planning to use csla in your next generator.We are planning to use
code geneator like codesmith.I want to know what the use csla gen which output Xml Metabase.I am getting to what to do with it .please help me
sam replied on Tuesday, November 28, 2006
hi all,
plz go through this link.http://sourceforge.net/projects/cslagen.I want to know what it is all about.I have searched the google but i haven't got any answer.
Brian Criswell replied on Tuesday, November 28, 2006
That project does not look like it has had any work on it in a year. You may want to look in the CSLAcontrib forum which has several projects which deal with code generation.
xal replied on Tuesday, November 28, 2006
No, it's not a dead project at all. I have been working on it for over a year, I just haven't been using the sourforge site. I have a small google group set up for testers that has been somewhat private so far, where a small group of people have been giving ideas and bug reports over the last few months. I use it on my every day tasks and although it's still not perfect, maybe it's time for me to open up the forum and have a more widespread testing.
You can check it out here:
The idea is to move it to codeplex at some point, but in order to do that we need to make some changes, like removing dependencies on some ui libraries.
I hope you like it.
sam replied on Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Hi Andres,
I have look at the csla generator google groups.It is great help for me.But for now i just want
the simple overview of this project.What we have to do it with that xml metabase and what's the use of it.
plz help
miroslav replied on Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Hi sam,
You can go to Chris Denslow's CSLA.NET Desktop Reference site - http://www.onelittlevictory.com/
He has an excellent tutorial for CSLAgen under Tips / Tricks section - Using CSLA Gen.
xal replied on Wednesday, November 29, 2006
You're not really meant to do anything with the xml other than store it in order to make changes or add new BOs...
In the past, you had to open codesmith separately in order to generate the code (as you will see in Chris' site). Now there's a "Generate" button in the toolbar, so you don't have to interact with codesmith.
DansDreams replied on Thursday, November 30, 2006
The "private" work you're doing implies a pending new version???
I'll be constructively frank here - I really liked the concept of the tool but thought the UI was a bit lacking. In particular, the property grid for mainting the BO's properties seemed so crude. I was really looking more for someting like the server explorer or data sources explorer in Visual studio - A treeview kind of navigation where I can see things more visually.
Ultimately, a nice graphical UML-like designer would be ideal, but now I'm just wishing out loud. :)
Can you give any more details about what the next version might look like compared to the current one, other than the "generate" button. :)
xal replied on Thursday, November 30, 2006
You (or anyone else) can take a look at it here:
http://groups.google.com/group/CslaGenerator/ (I thought I posted the link already, sorry)
The property grid isn't going anywhere, although I'm open to ideas. It would be hard to implement something like that in a tree....
I'm curretly moving the codebase to .net 2.0. I'll post a new version soon.
Andréssam replied on Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Hello friends ,
the tutorial on onelittlevictory and cslagenerator group was great help for me.
Now have get started with the project
bniemyjski replied on Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Wanted to update this post as a lot of information in this post is no longer relevant. CodeSmith is on our third major version of the CSLA templates. We have an active community around the templates and a template issue tracker located here.
-Blake Niemyjski
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