Missing FAQ sticky

Missing FAQ sticky

Old forum URL: forums.lhotka.net/forums/t/1849.aspx

malloc1024 posted on Monday, November 27, 2006

Can we please get the FAQ sticky back.  This sticky improved the forum greatly.  Can we also have an additional sticky that would be labeled FAQ sticky suggestions.   This thread would allow users to suggest what additional content should be added to the FAQ sticky.

RockfordLhotka replied on Monday, December 04, 2006

I don't know why it went away - the setting still indicates it should be visible... We might have to re-post it or something, it must be a bug in the forum software.

RockfordLhotka replied on Monday, December 04, 2006

Yup, whether bug or by design, what's happened is that the post has gotten old enough that CS won't show it by default.

So now we're left with a choice.

We can repost the FAQ every few months - as a new post so it stays visible.

Or we can create a new forum for the FAQ and related FAQ discussion. That worries me, as it would likely siphon off discussion from the main forum and cause confusion...

Brian Criswell replied on Tuesday, December 05, 2006

...or we could update the CSLA wiki...

malloc1024 replied on Tuesday, December 05, 2006

From what I have read, there should be a way to set the length that a sticky stays on top.  There should be a dropdown box that displays 3 months, 2 months etc. for each sticky.  This will determine how long the sticky remains on top.  I am not sure how to keep the sticky on top when it about to expire.  Perhaps resetting that dropdown box back to 3 months would work.  I have visited other community server forums that are able to keep the sticky threads on top so it shouldn’t be too difficult.  Creating a new forum for the FAQ would cause too much confusion.



It is my understating that you have rights to make changes to the FAQ sticky.   I am wondering if you could check to see if you can find that dropdown box that I mentioned in the previous paragraph and reset it.  Try to play around with some of the settings to get that FAQ back on top.  Thanks.

RockfordLhotka replied on Monday, December 11, 2006

I did/do have the FAQ post set as an "Announcement" which should make it permanently sticky. That isn't working. I have now created a new FAQ post, which is also an "Announcement", so I guess we'll see how long that lasts...

There is not a way to create an "Announcement" that allows replies - so I can't create a permanently sticky thread that allows replies.

malloc1024 replied on Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Thanks, the FAQ sticky will be very helpful.  However, if it does go down again, it might not be worth the hassle of re-posting it.

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