Broken Rules issues in 2.1

Broken Rules issues in 2.1

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david.wendelken posted on Tuesday, December 05, 2006

I've run into some issues with the way rules are being handled in v2.1.

Basically, the problems I've run into all derive from a new capability that hasn't been fully rippled through the library and sample application.

We now allow an object to be saved when rules are broken (in warning or info only state).

This allows the following situations to occur:


xal replied on Wednesday, December 06, 2006

As far as bullet # 1, I always call CheckRules inside dataportal fetch. Why?, simply because not all the data in the tables are loaded through the BOs. There's always someone playing directly in the tables, or an import tool that does massive inserts or updates which could potentially screw up the data and fetched objects invalid.

Just my 2 cents.


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