In-line and page editing ("Can not directly save a child object")In-line and page editing ("Can not directly save a child object")
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jbkind posted on Wednesday, May 24, 2006
I am a little confused about how to enable my app to have both inline gridview editing as well as editing on an seperate page. The detailsview page will allow a user to edit the full set of properties where as the gridview edting is only a subset of editable properties.
default.aspx gridview for Networks BusinessListBase<NetworkCollection, Network>
item.aspx detailsview of Network BusinessBase<Network>
When I try to edit on the item.aspx I get a "Can not directly save a child object"
glenntoy replied on Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Hi jbkind,
In my case, I created Network as a root editable object. In my gridview inline editting, I created a ReadOnlyList for that one, but during inline editing I used the Network root editable object.
Or you can create a switachable object in your Network.
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