Windows Authentication - PTWeb getting startedWindows Authentication - PTWeb getting started
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blp4383 posted on Thursday, December 14, 2006
Having trouble getting roles to be recognized when changing sample app to windows authentication.
Changed web.config authentication to "windows", impersonation = true
authentication mode="Windows"></authentication>
<identity impersonate="true"/>
I also commented out the code in global.asax.
I added my windows Id to the security table users, and added the role of Aminstrator to the table roles for my user id. Yet when I run the web app I do not see any of the Administrator features on the web pages.
Is there another step that I am missing? Code I have to add to make the roles for my windows user id to be recognized?
ajj3085 replied on Thursday, December 14, 2006
It might be totally wrong, but I think your Windows user account needs to belong to a group of the same name. What's the administrators role that PTracker expects? You'll need to create a Windows Group, and add your user to that group for it to work. Oh, you'll need to log off and log back onto Windows as well, as your group membership is only read once during login.
blp4383 replied on Tuesday, December 19, 2006
fyi Andy, Thanks that worked for me...I appreciate the help. Copyright (c) Marimer LLC