ebook for the latest version

ebook for the latest version

Old forum URL: forums.lhotka.net/forums/t/1983.aspx

Wal972 posted on Friday, December 15, 2006

Hi Rocky

Just wanted to know if we are getting the ebook for the 2.1 version for XMas or after :) ?

You mentioned you had nearly finished. And would that be the VB or C# version


ajj3085 replied on Friday, December 15, 2006

I just saw on his blog he's planning for a first few weeks of Jan 07.

RockfordLhotka replied on Sunday, December 17, 2006

Yes, I'm planning for a release in early January, though the exact date depends on various factors, so I'm not committing to anything that specific. (http://www.lhotka.net/weblog/CSLANET21EbookProgressReport.aspx)

In this case I'm doing the VB version first, then swapping in the C# code to create the C# version. For those who watch these things, it is my intent to alternate. So the last book was C# first, swapping in the VB code - this one is the other way around. I figure this alternating approach will help keep me honest: supporting both languages equally.

Depending on how long it takes to swap in the C# code and get that reviewed for mistakes, the C# version will likely be a couple weeks after the VB one. Since I'm directly publishing this via the web, there's not that lengthy delay for the printer/distributor cycle like with the previous book, so the two versions will come out much closer to each other time-wise.

david.wendelken replied on Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Not just out of curiosity, but how do the two versions compare in sales?

Amazon shows the VB version to be #102,603 in sales, with the C# version being #8,266 (a quite respectable number for an advanced technical architecture book, by the way!)

Switching back and forth is very egalitarian, but not necessarily in the best interest of the majority of your customers.  (Then again, I c#ould be biased.)

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