in the public string Inherits property of TemplateBase.cs shouldn't
case ObjectType.NameValueList:
return string.Format(" : {0}<{2}, {2}>", _baseClass, ((PropertyInfo)_uniqueProperties[0]).Type, ((PropertyInfo)_properties[1]).Type);
case ObjectType.NameValueList:
return string.Format(" : {0}<{1}, {2}>", _baseClass, ((PropertyInfo)_uniqueProperties[0]).Type, ((PropertyInfo)_properties[1]).Type);
? As it is in the current download you always get NameValusList<string, string> even if your key or value is a different data type. This cause compile errors if, for instance you use something other than a string as the type for your Key or Value.
No problem. I've been meaning to merge the new releases with my current templates but haven't had a chance to do so. It's also up in the air as to whether or not my boss is going to spring for the license. It isn't looking good ATM. :(
I was hoping to score a feww license from the CodeSmith guy here wo extended the offer a while back but it's been a couple of weeks and he hasn't responded yet.
So, who knows if I'll even be using CodeSmith soon. Dissapointing as I have grown accustomed to it...
Yey! A licensed version of CodeSmith 4 Professional! Camping my boss's office finally paid off. He couldn't ignore me forever! :)
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