Setting up PTracker demo to use Web Services proxySetting up PTracker demo to use Web Services proxy
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FreeAsInBeer posted on Thursday, December 21, 2006
I've recently downloaded CSLA and its PTracker demo, to have a bit of a gander.
I've gone through and I seem to be stuck on point 7;
The PTWeb and PTWebService projects are configured to use the
EnterpriseServicesProxy within the data portal. Before you can run these
projects you need to start aVisual Studio 2005 Command Prompt window and
run regsvcs.exe to register the EnterpriseServicesHostvb.dll or
EnterpriseServicesHostcs.dll file. Alternately, you can change PTWeb and
PTWebService to use either the Remoting or Web Services proxies instead.
Please note: the PTWebService project is missing its reference to the
EnterpriseServicesHostvb or EnterpriseServicesHostcs project. You will
need to add this project reference to PTWebService before using the Web Service
I would like to use the WebServicesProxy, instead of EntServ. I noticed this web.config entry;
<add key="CslaDataPortalUrl"
I can't work out what this is. WebServicesHost is not one of the virtual directories we're instructed to setup, unless I misread things.
I'm new to both CSLA and web services, so please bear with me :)
many thanks
FreeAsInBeer replied on Thursday, December 21, 2006
i think i spoke too soon :(
It looks like each of the folders in csla20cs\ProjectTracker20cs\www\ have to be set up as virtual directories or webistes. I've done that now and all works fine.
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