Hierarchy of EditableRootListBases

Hierarchy of EditableRootListBases

Old forum URL: forums.lhotka.net/forums/t/2022.aspx

lotrij posted on Friday, December 22, 2006


Is it built into CSLA to have a business object not serialize over EditableRootListBase properties in certain DataPortal operations? 

That is, if I have a Parent object (in a ParentList EditableRootListBase) which contains some ChildList properties (which are lists inheriting from EditableRootListBase), can I prevent some of the child lists from being serialized over in updates or inserts or deletes (maybe being able to which of these the child collections would or wouldn't serialize over in)?

I want to be able to have Parent/Child business objects be able to be saved independently of each other.  Making both list types inherit from EditableRootListBase works in getting individual Parent and Child objects to save themselves.  However, the Parent objects are copying over all of the Child objects too.

Is this the sort of thing that some of the CSLA base classes need to be subclassed for?  Would subclassing BusinessBase and overriding its Save method to conditionally clone/serialize child EditiableRootListBase objects based on an attribute on them work?




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