Looking for more sample applications on CSLA.NET

Looking for more sample applications on CSLA.NET

Old forum URL: forums.lhotka.net/forums/t/2032.aspx

shashisatya posted on Wednesday, December 27, 2006


Can anyone please let me know the links of more sample applications on CSLA.NET 2.0 or later? I have been a Web Developer all these days and our organization intends to implement CSLA.NET on an upcoming project and I have been assigned the task of developing a prototype application using the CSLA.NET framework. I have already understood the ProjectTracker sample application that comes along with the framework and would like to look into some more sample apps before I can really get started with my prototype.

Please let me know the links of such sample apps available on the web.

Also, can someone explain what these Active Objects (for CSLA.NET) are and their objective?

Thanks in advance.

Shashi Kumar

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