CSLA .NET Compact Framework Version?

CSLA .NET Compact Framework Version?

Old forum URL: forums.lhotka.net/forums/t/2129.aspx

brembot posted on Friday, January 12, 2007

Hello Rocky,

    Do you have any plans in creating a CSLA .NET Compact Framework Version?


RockfordLhotka replied on Friday, January 12, 2007

Not so far, no. That'd mean maintaining two more versions of the framework, probably along with two more reference apps. I'm not sure there are enough mobile developers to buy enough books to make it worth that effort (though I could be wrong on that assumption).

I say two versions, because of VB/C# - but also because the CF environment is different enough from real .NET that there'd be substantial differences. At least in terms of what's not there. Things like the data portal have no meaning in a CF world, and n-level undo requiring serialization becomes impossible - at least in a way comparable to CSLA today.

The real driver though, is whether there are enough book-buying mobile developers for it to make sense. Unless I change my approach, that's the only way I recoup anything for the time and effort I put into CSLA - and book sales are not all that great for regular .NET books. (I think the Internet is slowly killing the printed page, at least for tech content)

ajj3085 replied on Friday, January 12, 2007

book sales are not all that great for regular .NET books. (I think the Internet is slowly killing the printed page, at least for tech content)

I hope not, because the internet is good for a quick 'how do you do this' answer, but when I need to understand a concept or theory, I find books a much better resource.  Nor do I want to stare at a screen for hours just reading.. that quickly strains the eyes.

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