Slight niggle with the siteSlight niggle with the site
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JoeWork posted on Monday, May 08, 2006
Sorry to be a moaner but the bread crumb navigation just below the "Home" and Forum" buttons on the top left is changing to white on white after you have visited once so you can't see it. I have tried it on all 3 skins and it's the same. If anyone can change it that would be cool as I like to use that navigation to get back to the forum index after reading a thread.
cmellon replied on Monday, May 08, 2006
I think this is an IE bug.
I noticed the same, but if i scroll down and then scroll back up the breadcrumb links appear.
Also while i'm editing this I can see the breadcrumbs
Mark replied on Monday, May 08, 2006
Hmm...I didn't even notice the bread crumbs until I saw this thread.. I'd just been seeing white space - but sure enough, if I highlight the area, the bread crumbs appear. Paging down/up doesn't fix the issue for me, though.
That said, I can see them as I'm typing this message...
One other annoyance - I always have to manually login, even though I've checked the box that says 'Remember me next time'. Anyone else seeing that?
- Mark
xal replied on Monday, May 08, 2006
Well, I use firefox here and I don't see that issue with the navigation pane on the top. However, I do have the "forum not remembering me" issue, and ocasionally, the forum width gets screwed up...
admin replied on Monday, May 08, 2006
I don't know the solution to the forum remembering people - I assume it just uses cookies to do this, but I don't know.
However, the issue with the breadcrumbs has been resolved. I was using div tags to display some header information, and I've now wrapped them in a single-row, single-column table, thus apparently convincing IE to contain them rather than letting them overwrite the breadcrumb control.
Have I ever mentioned how much I hate html? It is like the special format codes from word processors of 20 years ago, but more complex and less predictable...
guyroch replied on Monday, May 08, 2006
This forum is still 110% better that the msn forum though. :)
JoeWork replied on Wednesday, May 10, 2006
Thanks for you help on this admin much appreciated
RockfordLhotka replied on Wednesday, May 10, 2006
I'm in the middle of some intense travel - in perhaps 10 days or so I'll have a bit of time to search and try to find out what's up with the Remember me issue. I can only assume, at this point, that it is an issue with CS 2.0.ajj3085 replied on Monday, May 08, 2006
I'm also having a problem with the forum 'forgetting' me. I notice it pretty easily because I use the blue color scheme when logged in.
Vaxman2 replied on Monday, May 08, 2006
I also have the problem of having to log in each visit even after checking the "Remember me" box..xal replied on Tuesday, May 09, 2006
I have my timezone set to GMT-03:00 but the time values in the posts are off by one hour...
ie: It's 15:46 now, but I'm seeing messages that have 16:40.
Anyone else seing this?
guyroch replied on Tuesday, May 09, 2006
That is fine Andrés, I'm in a GMT -05:00 time zone. Since you can travel in time (the future) by a few hours I'll give you a call 30 minutes before the big lottery jackpot and maybe you can give the winning numbers. I promis I'll share the winnings with you :)
Have a great one!
tetranz replied on Tuesday, May 09, 2006
My problem is that I am totally unable to get email from this forum. Are other people successfully receiving posts via email? I've tried two accounts and four unrelated email addresses without luck. I'm subscribed to the forum where it says "Email Available". There is also another radio button choice in my profile which has something to do with email notifications. That is set to Yes. Have I missed anything?
I've let Rocky know but it seems to be working for others so .... its really wierd.
Jan replied on Friday, May 12, 2006
Same problem here : Whatever I try, I do not get any e-mail from this forum.
Anyone having more success with the e-mail feature ?
tetranz replied on Friday, May 12, 2006
Thanks Jan, I was beginning to think it was only me. Its not just forum posts, no email from the site works for me at all. Yesterday I thought I'd try one more time and signed up a third account using my work address which I usually keep away from mailing lists etc. Still nothing, not even the welcome message. I got the welcome message for the account I signed up when Rocky first announced it but that's the only email I've ever received from here. If I go to one of my posts and try "Contact tetranz by email" I receive nothing.
Its not a real big issue for me right now, I can use the web forum, but Rocky, when you get back I think someone needs to do some tests and look at the logs or something. My tests have convinced me that its more than just something odd with one domain or network path.
RockfordLhotka replied on Friday, May 12, 2006
I agree - the email has stopped working. I'll have to check the email service logs to see what's going on.RockfordLhotka replied on Friday, May 12, 2006
It appears that the CS 2.0 email gateway is a bit fragile. It failed to contact the email server on 6 May and that failure caused the email service to shut down. I wouldn't think a socket error should bring down the whole service - that happens fairly frequently - but that seems to be what happened.
So everyone should be getting tons of email now - CS 2.0 queues the messages until they can go out.
JoeWork replied on Monday, May 15, 2006
I have added a post to the new Forum Administration area concearning the "Remember Me" issue as I resolved it on my own site with help from CS
xal replied on Tuesday, May 09, 2006
Count me in GuyRoch!! I drink to foreseeing winning lottery numbers
razorkai replied on Tuesday, May 09, 2006
Hey, I just experienced that remember me issue! It was quite strange as I temporarily browsed away from the forum and then came back via an entry in my Favourites menu. I noticed the Sign In link at the top right, but when I clicked it there was a screen telling me I was already logged in. Hope this gets sorted soon!
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