Unexplained phenomenon... please please help...

Unexplained phenomenon... please please help...

Old forum URL: forums.lhotka.net/forums/t/2204.aspx

gajit posted on Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Hi guys,

I know this is a CSLA forum (and believe me - this IS a CSLA project), but I've tried the Microsoft website, and googling but I cannot find an answer anywhere.

All of a sudden, my solution (2 projects) do not compile because the references to dlls they previously had are missing...

So, thinking I can just remove and add the references again, I do just that. But in my list of references, regardless of how I add them... (either through the specified reference types COM, etc.. or Browse..), under the "Path" column it says "<The system cannot find the reference specified>"

The references in question are:-

   Microsoft TAPI 3.0 Type Library

   Visual Basic for Applications

   Visual Basic runtime objects and proecedures

   and a 3rd party control VLButtonBar.

Everything was fine yesterday, and I am totally hung out to dry, am unable to compile, release or publish.

The only thing that I have changed recently is an attempt at using CS-RCS (sourcec-control) which I later abandoned... surely that wouldn;t have an effect?

Anyone had this problem, or know what I can do?




gajit replied on Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Hi gents,

Sorry to waste your times...

Turns out the install of CS-RCS - and subsequent uninstall, rendered many, many, many of my files 'read only'. I simply removed the read-only attributes recursively in my development folder et voila! I can now add my references - I guess it was trying to create an Interop.xxx.dll and it was being denied.



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