Merging Vanatec OpenAccess and CSLAMerging Vanatec OpenAccess and CSLA
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burmajam posted on Sunday, January 28, 2007
Few days ago I found very interesting ORM tool Vanatec OpenAccess. It looks pretty easy to use and flexible. I know the opinions of Rocky and most of the people on this forum (including myself) about ORM, but flexibility, DB independence, disconnected mode and ease of use are some things that got my attention. I'm interested if someone tried this ORM and even more if someone merged functionalaty of CSLA and OpenAccess. I think that OpenAccess's transparent persistence could be injected in CSLA, using its Authorisation and Business rules, factory methods recommendation, maybe even mobility and more.
ajj3085 replied on Monday, January 29, 2007
I don't remember reading about OpenAccess here, so I'm not sure anyone has merged them. I wouldn't think that a good idea anyway; ORM and Csla are trying to solve two different problems, so merging them doesn't seem like it would work very well. After all, you wouldn't want your Csla objects to be representations of the database schema, and that's probably what you'd have to do in order to 'merge' the two frameworks.
Now I doubt there'd be any problem using them together, just like you'd use NHibernate + csla to achive database independance.
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