The SelectObjectArgs method in CslaDataSource appears to have a bug in it. Line 316 is as follows:
if (mSortExpression.Substring(mSortExpression.Length - 5) == " DESC")
This works fine as long as mSortExpression is at least 5 characters in length, but if it is something shorter it will cause an exception.
The following change seems to fix the problem in the C# version.
if (mSortExpression.Length >= 5 && mSortExpression.Substring(mSortExpression.Length - 5) == " DESC")
Good point... I'll fix that soon.
A colleague of mine (Chuck at Magenic is converting my cvs repositories over to svn format, and I hope to have my repository alive again tomorrow.
This cvs->svn conversion isn't as easy as you'd think, because I started using cvs with a very old version of cvsnt, which apparently didn't use exactly the same format as expected by the cvs2svn tools...
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