There's been a few posts on web hosting, full trust and all that, just thought I'd pass along what I've found out.
Not a plug, but I've used (without CSLA) for hosting services for a couple years now - mainly because they were nice enough to host our New Mexico .NET User Group for free - SQL server and all.
Anyway, because of a potential gig, I asked their support if full trust was supported. They said:
At DiscountASP.NET, we run each web site with its own application pool running with a unique identity. This allows us to configure ASP.NET to run in Full Trust mode without sacrificing security.
So I made more or less a "Hello World" app -
RacerEditableRootList racers = RacerEditableRootList.GetRacerEditableRootList(); foreach (RacerEditableChild racer in racers){
Response.Write(racer.FirstName +
" " + racer.LastName + "<br>");}
And that works just fine. .GetRacerEditableRootList() calls DataPortal.Fetch, so I assume reflection is kicking in. No worries so far.
Good tip.
Nice information.
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