Is this the right way to allow sorting on any datagridview column and save the bus root object

Is this the right way to allow sorting on any datagridview column and save the bus root object

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GeorgeG posted on Tuesday, February 06, 2007

The users need to be able to sort on any datagridview column.
This is the code that I am using.

The fetch win button has this code

sodCustomers = SODCustomers.GetSODCustomers(criteria);
.SortedBindingList<SODCustomer> sortedList =
                    new SortedBindingList<SODCustomer>( sodCustomers );
sortedList.ApplySort( "Moniker", ListSortDirection.Ascending );
this.sodCustomersBindingSource.DataSource = sortedList;

In the Save button have this to save the current selected row
SODCustomer currentCustomer = (SODCustomer)   sodCustomersBindingSource.Current;
sodCustomers.SaveItem( currentCustomer );

Anybody sees anything wrong with the above?


RockfordLhotka replied on Tuesday, February 06, 2007

I'm not sure you have to manually save the current item. When the user leaves that row, data binding will call ApplyEdit() for you, which will trigger the item to save itself.

Your binding code looks right though. Remember that the grid control will automatically allow the user to sort by any column when bound to a SortedBindingList, so while you start sorting by Moniker, the user can change the sort dynamically.

GeorgeG replied on Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Each row is indepentent from the rest of the rows.  It is usual for a user to save something without leaving the row and then exit. It does save automatically when moving. Thanks for verifing the code.

RockfordLhotka replied on Tuesday, February 06, 2007

OK, got it. In that case though, you need to manually call EndEdit() on the bindingsource before trying to save your object. I think (haven’t tested) that calling EndEdit() on the bindingsource will trigger the save operation on the current row all by itself.


In any case, you need the EndEdit() to get the edit level back to zero.





From: GeorgeG []
Sent: Tuesday, February 06, 2007 4:30 PM
Subject: Re: [CSLA .NET] Is this the right way to allow sorting on any datagridview column and save the bus root object


Each row is indepentent from the rest of the rows.  It is usual for a user to save something without leaving the row and then exit. It does save automatically when moving. Thanks for verifing the code.

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