Web Reference to WebServiceHost

Web Reference to WebServiceHost

Old forum URL: forums.lhotka.net/forums/t/2297.aspx

DanEssin posted on Wednesday, February 07, 2007

In the CSLA project there is a web reference called WebServiceHost that is defined as http://localhost:4804/WSPortalcs/Service.asmx

but I can't find any folder called WSPortalcs and there is no file called Service.asmx

In ProjectTracker20cs there is a directory www\WebServicesHost that contails a file called WebServicePortal.asmx which points to Class="Csla.Server.Hosts.WebServicePortal"

When I try to run the PTServiceClient application I am getting an error at the >>> inside the fetch but after the serialize call:
    public Server.DataPortalResult Fetch(
      Type objectType, object criteria, Server.DataPortalContext context)
      object result;
      Server.Hosts.WebServicePortal.FetchRequest request =
        new Server.Hosts.WebServicePortal.FetchRequest();
      request.ObjectType = objectType;
      request.Criteria = criteria;
      request.Context = context;

      using (WebServiceHost.WebServicePortal wsvc = GetPortal())
>>>>        result = Deserialize(wsvc.Fetch(Serialize(request)));

      if (result is Exception)
        throw (Exception)result;
      return (Server.DataPortalResult)result;

I have the following problems:
1 - The web reference in CSLA - If I delete it and try to add a new one, it says there is no web service called WebServicePortal.
2 - If I run PTServiceClient from VS by rt-clicking debug it throws the following exception:
{"No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it"}
3 - If I open the PTWebService in a browser , select GetRoles and click test it throws an exception:
System.Exception: Unable to connect to the remote server
at PTService.GetRoles() in e:\csla20cs\ProjectTracker20cs\www\PTWebService\App_Code\PTService.cs:line 294
4 - If I start both PTWebService and WebServiceHost in instances of VS and then run PTServiceClient it gives me the error about invalid identity - duplicate token

I have also tried this with IIS instead of the builtin vs web server and the errors are the same.

I have worked on this for about 40 hours and also spent 4 hours on the phone with a Microsoft tech support person and have been unable to discover what mistake that I have made. I assume that there is something that I have overlooked or not understood but I haven't got a clue to what it might be.

Any help, especially from Rocky, to get me up and running would be greatly appreciated.

Dan Essin

DanEssin replied on Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Followup info:
1 - PTWin runs fine.
2 - running PTServiceClient sometimes throws this exception:
System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: Server was unable to process request. ---> System.Exception: Principal must be of type BusinessPrincipal, not System.Security.Principal.GenericPrincipal\n   at PTService.GetProjectList() in e:\\csla20cs\\ProjectTracker20cs\\www\\PTWebService\\App_Code\\PTService.cs:line 49

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