I believe that depends on what version of VS2005 Pro you got.
If you got the copy with MSDN premium I'm pretty sure it contains Vista and Office
If you got the copy with MSDN professional, I don't think you get Office.
Follow the link for the version comparison chart.
MSDN subscription holders are entitled to these items however only for development and testing not for general use, Microsoft's lic. agreements are very specific about this.
Sorry for the bad news
MSDN subscription holders are entitled to these items however only for development and testing not for general use, Microsoft's lic. agreements are very specific about this.
Sorry for the bad news
If you have an MSDN subscription yes.
To help claify a bit further. Here are some general links
Shows Visual Studio + MSDN subscription cost
Shows Visual Studion w/o MSDN.
The MSDN disks you got in the Visual Studio package are Documentation/White Papers etc that are available from Microsoft without cost by going to http://msdn.microsoft.com
No, you don't have a MSDN subscription. The 3 CDs of MSDN that you have are the help content for Visual Studio and related products (basically the free information that's available online at msdn.microsoft.com).
From your description it doesn’t sound like you've purchased an MSDN subscription. Therefore you're not entitled to these items.
$799 sounds like the standard price for Visual Studio. MSDN subscriptions run into the thousands per year depending on your license level.
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