Well it's about time I put my hand in pocket , so to speak, and paid Andrés (xal) back for CSLA Gen.
If you take your browser to http://www.cslagenwiki.com you should all get a pleasant surprise.
Please have fun and correct any mistakes I may have made.
The only thing I ask is that you keep things neat and tidy and that you don't blow away everything I've written up already ( not that you would... but I'm just saying in case anyone out there likes their delete key too much LOL).
Any problems just let me know as it's the first time i've installed and used MediWiki in anger so it may have some "features" that need ironed out.
this site is having very useful stuff about csla gen (and it needed one). Thanks for putting all the effort..
How come is this the first thing I hear about this really wonderful tool?
I recently posted a question about code generation in the forum specialized for that kind of stuff (http://forums.lhotka.net/forums/thread/11416.aspx) but it seems like not a lot of people know about this, or maybe there are not a lot people who read the other forums?
Anyway, this is just what I needed, thanks !
Well it has been around for a while but only in the last year or so has Andrés (xal on forum) had the time to build codesmith templates that really do what we need.
The other problem is that non one knew how to drive it as it had no documentation.
Thats where I came in :)
Glad you like it and I am planning on extending/completing section three with examples of how to generate each type of object. If I get time I'm planning a full 'case study' in section four but we'll see how my time goes.
What happened to this wiki? The link appears dead...
This is some awesome work, Chris. Thanks so much. I've barely started my new templates for CSLA 2.x in MyGeneration and now I have to think seriously about whether it's really worth my time to build my own.
You've put the CodeSmith templates within my reach with this huge effort of yours.
I was reluctant to use it before because I thought I'd have to write my own templates (because I couldn't figure out how to run the ones that were available for 1.x for each of the BO types). Since I'm a winforms guy, the ASP-like syntax of CodeSmith wasn't nearly as agreeable to me as just writing the templates in MyGeneration using good old VB.NET.
Now I REALLY have a choice. And even if I write templates for MyGeneration later, I can be productive in 2.x in really short order with these (until I finish my own if I ever have a need for them).
Thanks to you and, of course, to the guys that built and tweaked those great templates!
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