Ghost name for MSMQ Name

Ghost name for MSMQ Name

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rkelley posted on Saturday, February 17, 2007

I have ported the batch queue service over to the latest version and when I debug the queue using a console app it creates a private MSMQ with the name SPMSBatchServiceV2 which is what I have it set as in my app.config.

However, as soon as i build the service installation and install the service, the service creates a queue name of "SPMSV2batchqueue"

I have searched in every solution that even remotly has anything to do with this and have come up with nothing.

I have the service working fine, i just changed the app.config files to match the queue name that the service made. but this is really bothering me.

Has anybody ever seen something like this before? If so how did you fix it?

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