CSLA Presentation - Tues Feb 27th - CT .NET Group - FarmingtonCSLA Presentation - Tues Feb 27th - CT .NET Group - Farmington
Old forum URL: forums.lhotka.net/forums/t/2374.aspx
DesNolan posted on Sunday, February 18, 2007
In case anyone might be interested, I'm giving a presentation to the
Connecticut .NET User Group, Tues Feb 27th in the Microsoft Office, in
Farmington, CT. I will also be raffling off a few Expert C# 2005
Business Objects books I bought for the event.
The official user group post about the presentation is provided below.
I've also followed that with some additional information as to what I
feel the presentation focus will actually be, based on a discussion
with the user group's president as to what the preferences of the
member's is likely to be.
If you know CSLA, and you're in the neighborhood, consider coming along and providing me some support, (and maybe some help).
Des Nolan
--- User Group's Notice ----------------
Track 3 (Theory):
Enterprise software
--- Likely Focus of Presentation -----------------
As the group's users like to see C# code in action I'm developing my presentation with that as the emphasis. I'm currently planning on having more slides on the practical track and on spending more my time walking through actual code. Basically, I'm currently leaning my presentation on having the weighted emphasis shown in the pyramid below, (actually, the last block will likely be much larger in weight).
[_Scalability_] (Theory)
[_Building Enterprise Systems_] (Theory)
[_Implementing Plumbing\Framework Selection_] (Theory/Practical)
[_Code review of a C# .NET application built on an enterprise framework_] (Practical)
rasupit replied on Monday, February 19, 2007
Farmington, CT is just a town across from the town where I work. I'll be attending your presentation and hope to meet you and other fellow CSLAers.
See you at the event,
Ricky Supit
DesNolan replied on Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Awesome Rick,
I used your CodeSmith templates to produce the primitive code in my
CSLA application. I would be flattered by your attentance. And please
feel free to contribute, as I feel you know more about CSLA then I do.
(I offered you a free pint in the past for your great templates if we
eve got together, if you're there on the night, I promise to have at
least the equivalent for you.)
Des Nolan
rasupit replied on Wednesday, February 21, 2007
I do still have a lot to learn in enterprise application architecting, so I hope to learn on your presention.
I missed the chance to meet with you guys in New York. So I hope to meet you and others on this event.
skagen00 replied on Thursday, February 22, 2007
Hey thanks for the heads up on this, I have a co-worker who works out of CT who may be geographically close to this who might be interested. I'm pointing him to this thread for more info.
DesNolan replied on Thursday, February 22, 2007
Well, be sure and send him along, and have him say hello.
Although the presentation has been billed as Building Scaleable Enterprise
Systems, of the three tracks offered, group members have responded in the
majority as wanting the practical focus i.e. code review of actually using the CSLA
framework. So the lecture will start out with some theory on enterprise
building to put things in contest, but will quick dissolve into code walk-throughs.
Likely, I will continue to toss in tidbits about enterprise software building
as I go, but all-in-all, the majority wants to see how to use the framework and
what it can do.
In fact, they don't really care about what my own
application does i.e. their not interested in seeing a product demos. As I’m
not trying to sell anything, and am thrilled with the opportunity to present, I
will be trying hard to accommodate the group’s members
Des Nolan
DesNolan replied on Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Thanks to Ricky Supit for coming along to support my presentation.
And thanks to Rocky for providing me with such a great education that I
could share with others. The presentation was very well received, and
the room was packed. Quite a few people expressed an interest in
acquiring Rocky's book and looking at the framework. I also donated
couple of copies of the book for the user group raffle myself, to
guarantee a few dollars goes Rocky's way.
The president of the user group encouraged me to spread the news on
CSLA even further, and mentioned a few other events in Connecticut in
which to do that. So I may have another lecture on the subject as the
year progresses.
Also, thanks to all those I've learnt from on this forum.
Des Nolan
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