2.1.4 question
Old forum URL: forums.lhotka.net/forums/t/2375.aspx
DanEssin posted on Sunday, February 18, 2007
public class CslaDataSourceView : DataSourceView
private CslaDataSource _owner;
private string _typeName;
private string _typeAssemblyName;
Compiler Warning:
Warning 1 Field 'Csla.Web.CslaDataSourceView._typeAssemblyName' is never assigned to, and will always have its default value null J:\csla20cs\csla20cs\Csla\Web\CslaDataSourceView.cs 17 20 Csla
There are several references in the code to typeAssemblyName and if it is never assigned a value that might be a problem?
xal replied on Sunday, February 18, 2007
The value is not used anymore. It's just kept there for backwards compatibility purposes only. It could be marked "Deprecated" though.
DanEssin replied on Sunday, February 18, 2007
Thank you
xal wrote:
> The value is not used anymore. It's just kept there for backwards
> compatibility purposes only. It could be marked "Deprecated" though.
> Andrés
> RockfordLhotka replied on Monday, February 19, 2007
I'm updating the code to make for a smoother transition from 2.1.3- to 2.1.4+ in this regard. The assembly name is actually needed at runtime (though not design time), and so I've reinstated the TypeAssemblyName property.
However, it is optional, because you can also specify the type,assembly completely on the TypeName property, and that's what the config dialog now does.
DanEssin replied on Monday, February 19, 2007
Well in that case, the version that I downloaded declared and referenced
it several times but never set it to anything.
On Mon, 19 Feb 2007 14:10:31 -0600, "RockfordLhotka"
> I'm updating the code to make for a smoother transition from 2.1.3- to
> 2.1.4+ in this regard. The assembly name is actually needed at runtime
> (though not design time), and so I've reinstated the TypeAssemblyName
> property.
> However, it is optional, because you can also specify the type,assembly
> completely on the TypeName property, and that's what the config dialog
> now does.
> Skafa replied on Monday, February 19, 2007
I wrote somewhat of a fix, which neither require TypeAssmblyName or the "type, assembly" syntax in this thread:
it's up to Rocky to decide wether csla goes with this (or similar) fix or sticks with specifying the assembly name (trough TypeAssemblyName or TypeName)
RockfordLhotka replied on Tuesday, February 20, 2007
There's a new version of 2.1.4 available for download (070220), so if you could try that one and see if it works for you I would appreciate it.
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