Is it possible (and how) to pass Criteria object to Enterprise Services component from DataPortal_XYZ methods and update the caller object? For example:
public class Identity
private Boolen isAuthenticated;
private String failureReason;
public Boolen IsAuthenticated
get { return this.isAuthenticated; }
public Boolen FailureReason
get { return this.failureReason; }
private class Criteria
private String username;
private String password;
public String Username
get { return this.username; }
public String Password
get { return this.password; }
private void DataPortal_Fetch(Criteria criteria)
// 1 : typical simplified authentication - no problems
// if (criteria.Username == "Administrator" && criteria.Password == "password") { this.isAuthenticated = true; this.failureReason = ""; }
// 2: authentication must be done in ES component because object pooling is required
// CustomDataAccessComponent is Enterprise Service component
// using (CustomDataAccessComponent component = new CustomDataAccessComponent())
// {
// ???
// }
Thank you for your help!
I have found Rockford's solution to simmilar problem in this topic http://forums.lhotka.net/forums/permalink/11272/11565/ShowThread.aspx#11565 but could you please provide more details how to implement DataServiceFactory?
public class Customer : BusinessBase<Customer>
// ...
protected override void DataPortal_Fetch(Criteria criteria)
using (DataService svc = DataServiceFactory.GetService<Customer>())
DataObjects.CustomerQuery query = new DataObjects.CustomerQuery();
Csla.Data.DataMapper.Map(criteria, query);
DataObjects.CustomerData result = svc.GetObject(query);
_id = result.Id;
_name = result.Name;
// etc...
// ...
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