A change to Csla.ApplicationContext.User that could fix the "Type is not resolved for member" Principal problem?

A change to Csla.ApplicationContext.User that could fix the "Type is not resolved for member" Principal problem?

Old forum URL: forums.lhotka.net/forums/t/2446.aspx

RobKraft posted on Wednesday, February 28, 2007

I've created a custom Principal and Identity modeled after PTTracker.  We get the errors that Rocky described in his article (http://www.lhotka.net/weblog/CommentView,guid,cfcaf6c4-63cf-4cf1-8361-ed3db07496a4.aspx).  (Very helpful article).  But I noticed a way to apparently fix this problem (at least for our web apps) with just a minor code change.  From the C# book on page 232:

public static IPrincipal User




      if (HttpContext.Current == null)

         return Thread.CurrentPrincipal;


         return HttpContext.Current.User;




      if (HttpContext.Current != null)

         HttpContext.Current.User = value;

      Thread.CurrentPrincipal = value;




I think the above set function is missing an ELSE.  If I add this ELSE clause, the problem appears to be fixed.



      if (HttpContext.Current != null)

         HttpContext.Current.User = value;


         Thread.CurrentPrincipal = value;


  Is this a fix everyone can use; or am I unaware of other problems this will cause?

RockfordLhotka replied on Wednesday, February 28, 2007

The problem would be that Thread.CurrentPrincipal should be the same as HttpContext. Most environment-neutral code uses Thread.CurrentPrincipal, because that's the recommended (and correct) approach.

So if you ever wanted to use a non-CSLA component of any sort, and that component cared about the current principal, it would fail because the thread wouldn't be set right.

RobKraft replied on Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Thanks for pointing out what I had missed.

I think I will proceed with my little change for a few weeks, at least until we get our custom Principal and Identity objects fairly stable.  Then I will undo my change to Csla.ApplicationContext.User and put our Principal and Identity objects in the GAC.

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