I have been using Rockys framework for a long time, but never needed the auth rules till now. I have a BusinessBase class that has the following code in it:
string EnvironmentName{
protected override void AddAuthorizationRules(){
I have an ReadWriteAuthorization control on the form that consumes this BO.
Ok, finally for the questions:
Maybe I don't understand the AuthRules system as well as I thought I did. Any help is GREATLY apreciated.
Look through Chapter 9 to see how the Csla.Windows.ReadWriteAuthorization control is used to automatically enable/disable controls on a form based on the authorization rules in your object.
And, of course, look at the PTWin sample app code that's described in the chapter.
Tomorrow is another day. Maybe a fresh look at it again will help. I did read and use as reference the book (and PTracker). I may have just missed something. I'll post tomorrow either way.
Thanks for the heads up.
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