using,I am looking at page #422 in VB2005 Objects
If I am creating a NewProject I notice it says to do this in NewProject
Return DataPortal.Create(of project)()
When I look in the DataAccess I see (page #425)...
Overloads of DataPortal_Create(byval criteria as criteria)
I am confused because, I am never passing a criteria object. In my real example I simply want to create a new Project, at most I want to give the project an ID. Am I missing something simple?
The DataPortal methods are allowed to be Overrloaded.
So page 422 has no parameters. And page 425 has 1 parameter. You can create whatever set of parameters you need. But typically you would create various criteria objects. All of mine are in an external resource so I only create them once and use them across many BOs - they inherit from the CSLA CriteriaBase class.
Rocky recently change the way the framework works to line up the calls correctly and consistently. You can read about the changes in his blog and new eBook.
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