Focus problem - PropertyHasChanged

Focus problem - PropertyHasChanged

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SealedClassSingleton posted on Thursday, March 08, 2007


I've a master detail relation with a running total business property. The total property is calculated in the master object in respons to the ListChanged event of the BusinessListBase containg the childs .

The calculcation works fine. However, If a a put a PropertyHasChanged("Total")  at the end of the calculation routine, the input control (e.g. amount) of the detail relation retains focus (so the user allways have to tab twice). If I remove the PropertyHasChanged, the focus goes do the next control.

Anyone any idea how to resolve this (I'm using the latest version 2.1.4 since there were some issues with the initial  2.1 version). I already stepped through the code with the debugger, and found no exceptions.


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