Timeline of introduction of WCF into CSLA?

Timeline of introduction of WCF into CSLA?

Old forum URL: forums.lhotka.net/forums/t/2517.aspx

CaymanIslandsCarpediem posted on Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Just wondering if anyone knows or has heard when a version of CSLA (CSLA 3.0 I think it was decided to be called) with WCF natively built into the framework will be available?  Not really looking for a specific date as much as Q1 2007 or Q2 2007, etc. 

I'm really liking WCF and will shortly be beginning a new project and am just wondering if it'll be worth it to build my own WCF solution or just stick with the current CSLA and WCF will be coming soon?  Also, is there any word on how big of an upgrade it will be from CSLA 2.1.x to CSLA 3.x (tons of breaking changes or just a few, etc)?



RockfordLhotka replied on Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Here's the roadmap for CSLA .NET, which gives a general timeline answer.

Of course VS Live is coming up in less than two weeks, and I'm giving a workshop on building distributed OO apps. As I'll be using CSLA to illustrate how to address various issues, it is very likely that there'll be an early test release of 3.0 (kind of a snapshot in time) available around March 24.

I always try to avoid breaking changes, though obviously that's not possible in every case. However, the WCF enhancements are effectively complete (barring people (like you? <g>) finding issues during testing), and are in svn now.

There are two aspects to WCF support: the WcfProxy for the data portal, and allowing the use of DataContract instead of Serializable on your objects (in n-level undo and Clone()). Both are in svn.

I've been working more recently on WPF support. That's harder than WCF by quite a bit, but still hasn't required any breaking changes. Thus far I've been able to add new classes and avoid tampering with existing code in this area.

The bigger changes will come if I get time to tackle issues from the wish list. Some of the items on the wish list are quite invasive, and I know I won't have time to do them for 3.0. Many others are smaller, and I want to do as many as I can manage. As you can see, I've done a few, and will likely do a few more at a minimum. Thus far, no breaking changes.

Here's the change log for what I've done thus far in version 3.0.

ajj3085 replied on Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Looking forward to 3.0!

Brian Criswell replied on Thursday, March 15, 2007

Hi Rocky, is the known issue with CslaDataSource at the bottom of the changelog still a problem as of 2.1.4?

RockfordLhotka replied on Thursday, March 15, 2007

Yes, because it is a Visual Studio issue (bug), not a CSLA issue. Unless they fix the bug in Orcas (which I think unlikely) this will be the case into the forseable future.

Luckily there are good workarounds to either avoid the issue entirely or to overcome it if you accidentally do use the wizard.

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