Good afternoon,
My name is Teresa Severyn.
I am relatively new to CSLA (have both CSLA VB 2003 and 2005 books, though, and love it!).
I have the following question:
Would it possible to use CSLA Business Objects and their compiled assemblies for implementing a web application using Cold Fusion at the front end?
The thing is, we need to implement two applications that are using the same database:
- the first one is the Windows application, will be installed locally on each user’s laptop when he/she goes into the field
- the other one is the web application, used by the team leads/project managers – this one will have to be implemented using Macromedia Cold Fusion.
Would it be possible to implement common Business Object framework (using VS.NET ) that would serve both apps?
Thank you very much,
Teresa S.
I did Cold Fusion Programming a few years back... and I thought (but correct me if I am wrong) that the Database Tier (not the Middle Tier) is what you embed in your CF Tags? I am not sure how or if you can embed a assembly object...
If you can... than it should be like every other Web Tools (ASP, ASP 2.0, etc).
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