Subclassing Examples in C#

Subclassing Examples in C#

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JabbaTheNut posted on Saturday, March 17, 2007

I was searching for quite a long time to find examples of subclassing each of the 7 CSLA base classes.  I finally found the following post:

I thought I would consolidate the C# examples from that post under a different subject header that might make them easier to find. 

It would be nice if these examples were posted in the FAQ for newbies like myself.  Anyway, here they are:

public abstract class MyBusinessBase<T> : Csla.BusinessBase<T> where T : MyBusinessBase<T>

public abstract class MyBusinessListBase<T, C> : Csla.BusinessListBase<T, C> where T : MyBusinessListBase<T, C> where C : Csla.Core.IEditableBusinessObject

public abstract class MyCommandBase : Csla.CommandBase

public abstract class MyNameValueListBase<K, V> : Csla.NameValueListBase<K, V>

public abstract class MyReadOnlyBase<T> : Csla.ReadOnlyBase<T> where T : MyReadOnlyBase<T>

public abstract class MyReadOnlyListBase<T, C> : Csla.ReadOnlyListBase<T, C> where T : MyReadOnlyListBase<T, C> where C : Csla.Core.IReadOnlyObject

public abstract class MyEditableRootListBase<T> : Csla.EditableRootListBase<T>  where T : Csla.Core.IEditableBusinessObject, Csla.Core.ISavable

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