Instance based security

Instance based security

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TEK posted on Friday, June 02, 2006

Hello (again)

I need to grant access to entities in my system to specific users.

For example, for a given project there will be a owner that is allowed to delete the project, there will be a cleark that can do some operations and there will be a manager that will be able to view the content of all projects.

The manager is OK as it's granted as a regular userrole, si U just grant read access to all users in role "Manager".
However, the other rights is given pr. project/user, not just pr. user.

To solve this I have a access list (role list) connected to the project so that users may be granted special project roles. I think this is the (only?) way to solve this.

My problem now is that I'm having a bit of difficulties finding a logical and resonable way of accessing and checking the users role for the project.
The solution I'm currently is leaning towards is to create a ProjectAuthorizationRules that has a project paramenter in the constructor. I will then modify the ApplicationContext.User call to use a ProjectPrincipal that extends the user and holds all the users roles and all project roles that the user is granted trough the project.

Does this sound like a resonable solution?

regards, TEK

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