Design pattern to sync two objects?Design pattern to sync two objects?
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bryanvick posted on Tuesday, March 27, 2007
I'm looking for a design pattern that will keep two in-memory objects
that are based on the same data in a DB in-sync with each other during
DB updates. I have a full featured 'Person' object with the typical
fields and methods, and a light weight 'smallPerson' object that only
contains ID, FirstName and LastName fields. I use the smallPerson
object for listboxes and such where I don't need to pull all the
person's info from the DB. I use the full featured Person object when
the user wants to edit all of a person's info.
Lets say I have a listbox showing
a bunch of smallPerson objects and the user clicks on one of the items
to edit the person. A form pops up which is bound to the full featured
Person object. The user edits this Person object's first name and then
saves it to the DB. Now the Person object is in sync with the DB, but
the smallPerson object is not. It will still show the old first name
until I make another round trip to the DB to refresh the objects data.
Any patterns to keep two objects based on the same data in sync?Bayu replied on Wednesday, March 28, 2007
If you want to save yourself a round-trip to the DB to refresh the out-dated version of the smallPerson, you could introduce another class: PersonData.
PersonData will then hold all the data from the DB for a particular person and your FullPerson and SmallPerson simply wrap this PersonData. You could see this as if the SmallPerson and FullPerson are views on PersonData.
All you need then is a event mechanism (or observer pattern) that enables your PersonData to notify its 'views' of any changes.
DesNolan replied on Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Search for software patterns using: Event Notification, or Event Messaging, or Publish and Subscribe.
There is also an add-on for CSLA done by Petar called Active Objects to do something similar, look on the contributors links.
You basically want a Message Manager that allows objects register for
particular messages, then have the necessary objects gnerating those
messages publish those events to that manager object, and let it
forward the messages to the objects who have registered delegates to
receive them.
Messages (objects themselves) can be published with a simple signature of
MessageType, MessageObject. Classes can decide how to cast
MessageObject based on the MessageType. You could also descend all your
Messages from a common class, that contains a field that identifies the
message type, so you can handle them all generically at some basic
In regards to your specifc need, your PersonInfo message would descend from MessageType and
have the additional fields of PersonID, FirstName, and LastName. You
amay also want to include UserAction if you want to handle Inserts and
Deletes. Your main person form would send such a message to the Manager
when necessary, and the Manager woud them invoke the delegates of the
subscriber objects registered for the message type and forward those
messages to the them.
Hope this serves as an introduction. There's tons of free stuff on
the web explaining such patterns in all varieties of language.
Desmond Nolan
Enterprise Developer
Norwalk, CT
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