Filtered Binding List questions / best practices

Filtered Binding List questions / best practices

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colema18 posted on Thursday, March 29, 2007

Can Rocky and others look over the code below and point out some improvemetns I can make.  I noticed that the applyfilters is not stackable unless you create another filteredList and through the first filtered list into it - so hopefully I am doing that right.  bulletins.Count isn't ever null here, but it appears taht if bulletins.count = 0, then any filtered or sorted lists based on the empty collection of bulletins is null instead of empty (which makes .count blow up).  So am I supposed to check for null on filtered and sortedlists instead of count = 0.

BulletinList bulletins;
FilteredBindingList<BulletinInfo> filteredBulletins;
SortedBindingList<BulletinInfo> sortedBulletins;
bulletins = BulletinList.GetBulletinList(_dealerNumber, int.Parse(ddLastDays.SelectedValue));
if (bulletins.Count != 0)
                    FilteredBindingList<BulletinInfo> filteredLangBulletins = new      FilteredBindingList<BulletinInfo>(bulletins);
                    filteredLangBulletins.ApplyFilter("Language", Page.UICulture);

                    filteredBulletins = new FilteredBindingList<BulletinInfo>(filteredLangBulletins);
                    if (ddBulletinType.SelectedValue != "All")
                        filteredBulletins.ApplyFilter("ProductType", ddBulletinType.SelectedValue);

            sortedBulletins = new SortedBindingList<BulletinInfo>(filteredBulletins);
            sortedBulletins.ApplySort(sortBy, sortOrder);
            Session[keySort] = sortedBulletins;

            if (sortedBulletins.Count != 0)

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