I did it a while ago with version 1.x but haven't tried it with 2.x (yet). When I did it, I was surprised how easy it was to accomplish. You should be able to simply add the BO to the clipboard (Clipboard.SetObjectData(...))and retrieve it (Clipboard.GetObjectData()) intact. You'll have to add your own interface to manage this, of course, to verify that the object is of the right type, etc. before pasting and so on. But, I think you'll find it pretty straight-forward to implement the cut & paste part - it's the rules governing how it works that could get complicated.
Keep in mind that the object in the clipboard and all instances retrieved will be copies of the original. This means that you could keep pasting the same line item multiple times - and in multiple applications. Not much you can do to prevent the latter but if you want to be able to paste it into Excel, for instance, you may have to change how you put the object into the clipboard to make it compatible (serialize as XML, perhaps). If the former is a concern, you'll want to put logic in to remove the item from the clipboard when pasted so it can only be done once.
If you only want your copied objects available to your own application then bypass the windows clipboard altogether and just create some static field somewhere for your copy/paste functionality.
I would agree with Jeff. The only reason I can see making use of the Windows Clipboard is if you want to be able to cut & paste between applications. Sure it makes doing the same thing easier since it already exists, etc. but you would get greater control with a custom version and not have to deal with someone placing your LineItem object in the clipboard then clicking paste in Word or something.
As for your questions, I actually don't know how the Clipboard works. I assume it is just a straight binary copy handled by the OS. As such, I don't believe there are any events or callbacks that would notify your object that it has been copied to or pasted from the clipboard. It's all up to you to implement that in your application. Kind of like the difference between a copy and cut operation is that you remove the object (in your application) after placing it in the clipboard for the latter.
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