April 1st/CSLA Presentation/CodeCamp7/Boston

April 1st/CSLA Presentation/CodeCamp7/Boston

Old forum URL: forums.lhotka.net/forums/t/2650.aspx

DesNolan posted on Monday, April 02, 2007

Hi fellow CSLAers,

I had the joy of presenting at the Microsoft Code Camp 7 in Waltham (suburb of Boston), MA this last weekend. A lecture on "Building Scalable Enterprise Systems In C#\.NET Using A Framework. And was surprised at how many attending the lecture had already either heard Rocky speak, or read his book, or were in the process of reading his book, or trying out the CSLA framework. For awhile, I thought I had nothing new to offer the group, but there were patient and humoured me none-the-less. On a more serious note, I actually think a number of people were trying to get a guage of how practical the CSLA framework really was for actual enterprise systems. I hope, I was able to pursuade some to at least stay the course, until they had given it at least a good test run.

As in my other presentation on enterprise development where I used CSLA as part of the example, I gave away a few of Rocky's books, encouraged people to come to this forum, talked about how Ricky Supit's CSLA CodeSmith templates helped me write my demo application. This time around, I showed those templates in action, which really caught peoples attention. Thanks Ricky. AND AS ALWAYS, a very big thank you to Rocky, for providing such an interesting tool that I can demo as part of the solution ot building enterprise systems. I love using it.


Des Nolan

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