EditableRootList Question

EditableRootList Question

Old forum URL: forums.lhotka.net/forums/t/2651.aspx

jfreeman posted on Tuesday, April 03, 2007

I am new to CSLA so forgive me if this is a simple problem.  I have a Customer table that the client wants to be able to add/update/delete from a grid.  I think this should be setup as an Editable RootList but I was uncertain on what the child would be.  I am trying to use the CodeSmith templates to generate the code but I cannot seem to get it setup correctly.

Also,  I would like to use the SplitBase option in the templates so I my generated code is in a base class that gets inherited by a main object.  This will allow me to put custom code in the main object and not worry about the custom code being overwritten if I make a change to the table and re-generate the base.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks.



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