Determine EditLevel?

Determine EditLevel?

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FreeAsInBeer posted on Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Is there a way to determine the current edit level of CSLA objects?

Rightly or wrongly, with some of my current forms there are times when I don't know how many times I've called BeginEdit. When I go to save, I need to call 'enough' ApplyEdits so that I can successfully save.

FYI: I am calling BeginEdit during the Loaded event of a WPF user control which is in a TabControl's TabItem. If the user goes back and forth between tabs, the Loaded event fires multiple times, and the EditLevel builds up.

There are solutions to this, but I was still wondering if there was a way (to determine editlevel).


FreeAsInBeer replied on Thursday, April 12, 2007

just thought i'd bump this, incase someone with knowledge about this missed it

thanks :)

Michael Hildner replied on Thursday, April 12, 2007

Since .EditLevel is protected, the UI can't get to it directly. I thought I needed to use the .EditLevel once in my UI - can't quite remember why - so I added a public property to my subclassed BusinessBase. I've since commented it out, because I realized I didn't need it- again, I don't know why. Anyway, here's my 2.0.3 subclass, HTH:

namespace Buoy.Business



public abstract class BuoyBusinessBase<T> :

BusinessBase<T> where T : BuoyBusinessBase<T>


public virtual void MarkAsClean()




public virtual void MarkAsNew()




//public int LevelOfEdit


// get

// {

// return this.EditLevel;

// }






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