SortedBindingList with ITypedListSortedBindingList with ITypedList
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bgilbert posted on Thursday, April 05, 2007
I am implementing ITypedList to exposed subproperties of a business class. It uses reflection to get at a contained object's properties and is necessary for data binding to these properties. However, when I wrap this collection in a SortedBindingList, it doesn't seem to be able to see these new virtual properties.
Does anyone have any experience with this?
bgilbert replied on Wednesday, April 18, 2007
No takers on this question?
bgilbert replied on Monday, April 23, 2007
For posterity, here's the solution I found to this.
I applied ITypedList to a super-class (actually a sub-class of BusinessListBase). After doing this, I was able to wrap my class in a SortedBindingList and all the sub-properties became visible to my binding source.
I found the answer in
this article.
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