save data from joined tables

save data from joined tables

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Ton Smeets posted on Sunday, April 08, 2007


I have a simple question. I just want to know how You save data from joined tables.

For instance:

I use the tables Vendor, VendorAdres, Customer, CustomerAdres and Adresses.

CustomerAdres and VendorAdres are tables with minimal two columns (who are Foreign Keys); the primairy keys from Adresses and Vendor(or Customer). These two records are also the primary key for that table. This is because I only want to use one adresses table for all relation types.

In my Select command I use a Join. and I am looking for the best way to save the data back to the database again. Should I use one stored procedure to update both tables, or should I use a stored procedure for each table, so I can reuse that sproc in other business objects. Which do You use.

Thank You.

Bayu replied on Sunday, April 08, 2007


This is more a matter of preference than a matter of best-practice I think. Personally, I prefer to have 1 sproc per dp_method. So I prefer to have each dp_fetch/dp_update/dp_insert/etc. to correspond to 1 sproc and then have the sproc execute multiple sql-queries to apply the changes to all tables involved.

The key benefit that if you redesign/refactor your DB model, you only need to check your stored procs. You use cases, i.e. your BOs and dp_methods, do not change and so you isolate the change to your DB. The other way around, when your use case (hence BO) changes, you will have to make the corresponding adjustments to your DB regardless of your approach.

If you choose for the other alternative you describe, with one sproc per table and calling multiple from your BO methods you will always have to check everything.


Ton Smeets replied on Monday, April 09, 2007

Hi Bayu,

I was hoping to get the opposite answer. I'm developing the BO's and the database myself. And since I am building the database to be as clean as possible, to avoid redundancy, I want the stored procedures the same way.

These database tables will be used in many BO's. Using 1 sproc in one dataportal_call can result in multiple sproc's having the same code.

So when a database table changes, I have to find all sproc's that queries the changed table instead of 1 sproc that is used by many BO's. When a BO changes and the database does not change, there is no need to change a sproc.

What do You think about this theory?

Bayu replied on Monday, April 09, 2007

Hey fellow 'cheesehead'! ;-)

Only noticed just now that we are both from this tiny big place. :-)

On-topic: your observation is correct of course. That's also exactly why I called it a matter of preference, rather than one of best-practice. In your theory you will isolate use-case changes from ripling into your storedprocs, and changes to your DB layout may percolate throughout your BOs.

Basically, it all boils down to 3 distinguishable scenarios:
1 - use case changes that have no impact on your DB schema
2 - schema changes that have no impact on your BOs
3 - changes that affect both your BO and DB

Of course, situation 3 is irrelevant to our choice since we will have check/modify everything anyway.

Depending on your situation you can design your sprocs after 1 or 2, with one sproc per dp_method you isolate your DB changes as in 1 or in your suggested approach as in 2 you can isolate scema changes in your sprocs.

In my experience: 2 is hardly ever the case, it is always a use case change which may, or may not have impact on your DB (so it's 1 or 3).

Your theory is equally valid of course, if you expect 2 to occur more often than 1. So: it is after all really a matter of taste. ;-)


Ton Smeets replied on Monday, April 16, 2007


Bedankt (thanx).

Sorry for my delayed response. I have had less time last week. But thank you anyway for your explanation.


david.wendelken replied on Monday, April 16, 2007

Here's what I do to promote re-use of my stored procs, yet still gain the advantage of only making one db call from my business objects.

I create the usual insert, update, delete, exists, select-by-id and select all procedures, one per table.

Where needed, I hand build a stored procedure to bring back more than one table's worth of data.

For example:

create procedure ProjectGetStuff (@projectId int)
  exec ProjectSelectById @projectId
  exec ProjectTasksSelectAll @projectId
  exec ProjectResourcesSelectAll @projectId


The business object just changes the datareader from one set of data to the next.

Bayu replied on Wednesday, April 18, 2007


Here's what I do to promote re-use of my stored procs, yet still gain the advantage of only making one db call from my business objects.

I create the usual insert, update, delete, exists, select-by-id and select all procedures, one per table.

Where needed, I hand build a stored procedure to bring back more than one table's worth of data.

For example:

create procedure ProjectGetStuff (@projectId int)
  exec ProjectSelectById @projectId
  exec ProjectTasksSelectAll @projectId
  exec ProjectResourcesSelectAll @projectId


The business object just changes the datareader from one set of data to the next.


This was beyond my sql-scripting knowledge, but now that I see your sample it makes perfect sense. I think I will start to use this model in my next project, thanks!


Ton Smeets replied on Wednesday, April 18, 2007


This is the kind solution I am looking for, but I don't know how to give the second stored procedure the id that is returned by the first one when using the dp_insert. I searched Google and the MSDN Forums, but could not find any answer to this.

Help would be appreciated (or maybe links or books).


david.wendelken replied on Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Ton Smeets:


This is the kind solution I am looking for, but I don't know how to give the second stored procedure the id that is returned by the first one when using the dp_insert. I searched Google and the MSDN Forums, but could not find any answer to this.

Help would be appreciated (or maybe links or books).



I want to make sure that I properly understand you.  You have an object that needs to insert data into a table, get the identity column from the inserted row, and pass it as a parameter to the procedure that inserts data into the second table?

Well, here's how to get the project id back from the ProjectInsert method.

CREATE procedure ProjectInsert
(@p_Name varchar(50)
,@newProjectId int output
) as
insert into Project

select @newProjectId = scope_identity()


CREATE procedure ProjectStuffInsert
(@p_Name varchar(50)
) as

declare @newProjectId int

exec ProjectInsert @p_Name, @newProjectId
// or possibly this format, I forget the syntax... :) 
//exec ProjectInsert @p_Name, @newProjectId output

exec ProjectResource @newProjectId, @other_stuff_from_somewhere

How you pass in an array of project resources as a sql procedure parameter is a different matter.  not sure how to do that.

Ton Smeets replied on Wednesday, April 18, 2007

I have split up customers from adresses. Because I only want 1 adress table for customers, vendors and employees. So I created 3 tables; Customers, CustomerAdresses and Adresses.

Each time when I insert a new customer, I need to insert the Customer first to get my CustomerId. Then I need to insert the new Adress (street, zip, etc), which gives me my AdressId. At last I need to save the CustomerAdress (CustomerId, AdressId, AdressType, etc)

To do this I created so far the next code:

  @CustomerId int,
  @Adress nvarchar(60),
  @City nvarchar(60),
  @ZipCode nvarchar(20),
  @NewAdressId int output

                      (adress, city, zipcode)
VALUES  (@Adress,@City,@ZipCode)

SELECT  @NewAdressId = adressid
FROM  Adresses


CREATE PROCEDURE InsertCustomerAdress
  @AdressId int,
  @AdresTypeId tinyint,

INSERT INTO CustomerAdresses
                      (customerid, adressid, adresstypeid)
VALUES     (@CustomerId, @AdressId, @AdresTypeId)


Now I would like to call these two stored procedures within 1 stored procedure. How to go from here?

CREATE PROCEDURE InsertCustomerAdressProcedure 

  @CustomerId int,
  @Adress nvarchar(60),
  @City nvarchar(60),
  @ZipCode nvarchar(20),
  @AdresTypeId tinyint,
int output

DECLARE @NewAdressId int

EXEC InsertAdres (@Adress, @City, @ZipCode)

EXEC InsertCustomerAdress (@CustomerId, @NewAdressId, @AdresTypeId)

In the last stored procedure I Declared @NewAdressId. Is @NewAdressId set by the first stored procedure? Does this have effect on the output parameter @NewAdressId? Do I need to declare @NewAdressId?

A lot of questions, I know.


david.wendelken replied on Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Ton Smeets:

I have split up customers from adresses. Because I only want 1 adress table for customers, vendors and employees. So I created 3 tables; Customers, CustomerAdresses and Adresses.

Got it!

Try this:

  @Adress nvarchar(60),
  @City nvarchar(60),
  @ZipCode nvarchar(20),
  @NewAdressId int output

                      (adress, city, zipcode)
VALUES  (@Adress,@City,@ZipCode)

// wasteful if nothing is wanted back but the id.
@NewAdressId = adressid
//FROM  Adresses

// use this instead


// No change to this procedure from your example.

To call these two stored procedures within 1 stored procedure:

CREATE PROCEDURE InsertCustomerAdressProcedure 
  @CustomerId int,
  @Adress nvarchar(60),
  @City nvarchar(60),
  @ZipCode nvarchar(20),
  @AdresTypeId tinyint,
int output

DECLARE @tempAdressId int

// the word output in the line below might be unnecessary, don't remember for sure.
InsertAdress(@Adress, @City, @ZipCode, @tempAdressId output)

EXEC InsertCustomerAdress (@CustomerId, @tempAdressId, @AdresTypeId)

select @newAdressId = @tempAdressId

// @tempAdressId may be unnecessary, you might be able to do the entire procedure just
// using @newAdressId.  If so, delete above code line and change @tempAdressId references
// to @newAdressId.


Hope that helps!  Didn't have time to double-check for syntax errors, but it should get you pretty close.


Skafa replied on Wednesday, April 18, 2007


you can pass array's or .net datasets to SQL Server stored procedures using the image datatype.

Here is a good article on how to achieve that:


For more complicated objects I use views instead of stored procedures to retrieve data. It's both easier to maintain and to write dynamic (filter / search) sql queries  against it.

It's also possible to make updatable views, so that your Data Access Layer can automatically generate insert and update queries. That would ofcourse be done using 'instead of' triggers for SQL Server.

david.wendelken replied on Thursday, April 19, 2007


you can pass array's or .net datasets to SQL Server stored procedures using the image datatype.

Here is a good article on how to achieve that:


For more complicated objects I use views instead of stored procedures to retrieve data. It's both easier to maintain and to write dynamic (filter / search) sql queries  against it.

It's also possible to make updatable views, so that your Data Access Layer can automatically generate insert and update queries. That would ofcourse be done using 'instead of' triggers for SQL Server.

thanks for the tip on arrays/datasets via images!  I'll look into it.

I'm very familiar with views/instead of triggers.  They are great!  But I didn't know how to embed an array of child records in one, so I didn't suggest it. 

Ton Smeets replied on Thursday, April 19, 2007


I think I got it. Was still wondering why to use a variable @tempAdressId, but I can see the logic in here. Do you have any links about this kind of stored procedures. Or maybe books where these stored procedures are explained.

I left the @tempAdressId parameter and worked the procedure out again. Could you tell me if I am on the right track.

  @Adress nvarchar(60),
  @City nvarchar(60),
  @ZipCode nvarchar(20),
  @NewAdressId int output
                      (adress, city, zipcode)
VALUES      (@Adress,@City,@ZipCode)


CREATE PROCEDURE InsertCustomerAdress
  @CustomerId int,
  @NewAdressId int,
  @AdressTypeId int,
                      (customerid, adressid, adresstypeid)
VALUES     (@CustomerId, @NewAdressId, @AdressTypeId)

CREATE PROCEDURE InsertCustomerAdressProcedure

  @CustomerId int,
  @Adress nvarchar(60),
  @City nvarchar(60),
  @ZipCode nvarchar(20),
  @AdresTypeId tinyint,
  @NewAdressId int output
-- DECLARE @tempAdressId int

-- Does the next sproc change the value of @NewAdressId (declared above)?
EXEC InsertAdres (@Adress, @City, @ZipCode, @NewAdressId output)

-- If so, Can I use an output parameter as input parameter as shown below?
EXEC InsertCustomerAdress (@CustomerId, @NewAdressId, @AdresTypeId)
-- SELECT @newAdressId = @tempAdressId

My most important questions are written in purple.

Thank you.


david.wendelken replied on Thursday, April 19, 2007

Ton Smeets:


I think I got it. Was still wondering why to use a variable @tempAdressId, but I can see the logic in here. Do you have any links about this kind of stored procedures. Or maybe books where these stored procedures are explained.

Thank you.


In some languages, you can't reference an output parameter inside the procedure except to assign it a value, i.e., you can't read a value from it within the procedure .  I simply couldn't remember whether transact-sql was like that or not, and didn't have time to set up a test.  After 25 something years and gobs of languages in this field, sometimes I get them a bit jumbled up. :)



Ton Smeets replied on Thursday, April 19, 2007

I ran a short test, made a small adjustment and it worked so far.

CREATE PROCEDURE InsertCustomerAddressProcedure

  @CustomerId int,
  @Address nvarchar(60),
  @City nvarchar(60),
  @ZipCode nvarchar(20),
  @AddressTypeId tinyint,
  @NewAddressId int output

EXEC InsertAddress @Address, @City, @ZipCode, @NewAddressId output

EXEC InsertCustomerAddress @CustomerId, @NewAddressId , @AddressTypeId

SELECT  CA.customerid, 

FROM CustomerAddresses AS CA INNER JOIN Addresses AS Ad ON CA.addressid = Ad.addressid

WHERE CA.addressid = @addressid

Records are saved to both tables without problem. I know where to look now, and will read more about these stored procedures first, before moving on.


Ton Smeets replied on Sunday, April 22, 2007

Another question.

EXEC InsertAddress @Address, @City, @ZipCode, @NewAddressId output

EXEC InsertCustomerAddress @CustomerId, @NewAddressId , @AddressTypeId


Does CSLA transaction support roll-back in case the first executed stored procedure (InsertAddress ) fails. Because in that case I would propably get no @addressid back, and the second stored procedure (InsertCustomerAddress ) fails also.


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