Domain Specific Language (DSL) for CSLA

Domain Specific Language (DSL) for CSLA

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Allann posted on Tuesday, April 10, 2007


Is there anyone out there that has looked at this new technology and thought about creating a DSL for CSLA?  Rocky, any thoughts!

How cool would it be to be able to design full CSLA objects in the Visual Studio designer in the same way that you use the normal class designer!

Just wondering as I am about to start playing with it instead of using CodeSmith (I find it frustrating).



Mr.Underhill replied on Thursday, December 04, 2008

I just finish listening to a .NET Rocks show with Kevin McNeish about DSL( and I was about to submit a discussion about the same thing.  I'm pretty amazed NOBODY answer your post, because this is pretty pretty cool, I did some use of CodeSmith and other generation tools before, but based on what I'm hearing this is WAY better.

As a community we should work together an create a domain specific language for CSLA, I never done any work - open source kind - before, but it will be cool!  Any way, one way or the otther I'm going to start looking at this.


Allan, your post is over a year old, did you ever got to develop something?  If so, please share your expiriences.


Since this post is going to bump up this discussion to the top, please anybody interst on this or with any feedback about the subject jump in to see where we are with DSL for CSLA.NET. 




ANegm replied on Saturday, December 06, 2008

Sculpture is based on DSL :)
Sculpture Home Page :

gsibley replied on Saturday, January 03, 2009

You can also check out Viewpoints, which is a Visual Studio integrated model-driven development tool that can generate CSLA v3.5 code.

RockfordLhotka replied on Wednesday, January 28, 2009

I'm very involved with the Olso team at Microsoft, and (time permitting) plan to explore the use of M to create a DSL for CSLA.

With Oslo it appears that CSLA fits into a couple possible slots. One is to use M to create a DSL that generates either CSLA-compliant C# code or directly creates compiled CSLA objects (no intermediate 3GL).

Another is to use CSLA as a "runtime". Oslo ultimately projects the application metadata into a runtime (ASP.NET, Windows Azure, etc), and CSLA could be thought of as a target runtime for Olso.

But in the short term, M is the most mature part of their effort, and so it is most realistic to look at using M to create a DSL for defining CSLA objects.

rfcdejong replied on Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Wondering as always... Will M be really so strong to create CSLA compliant C# code?

Nearly 2 months later since your reply.

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