Rocky question - Fixed - Re: Why ApplySorting causes BindingSource_ListChanged's ListChangedEventArgs to return null

Rocky question - Fixed - Re: Why ApplySorting causes BindingSource_ListChanged's ListChangedEventArgs to return null

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GeorgeG posted on Wednesday, April 11, 2007

this is reference to thread

 I have not seen any reply from you.
In summary, a framework method does not pass the event args as parameter.
Do you think we should update the framework?

In the SortedBindingList class
 method SourceChanged()
 added e.PropertyDescriptor to constructor under ListChangedType.ItemChanged

case ListChangedType.ItemChanged:

// an item changed - just relay the event with

// a translated index value


new ListChangedEventArgs(

ListChangedType.ItemChanged, SortedIndex( e.NewIndex ), e.PropertyDescriptor ) );//added e.PropertyDescriptor



skagen00 replied on Wednesday, April 11, 2007

This may be related to, but is probably not addressed by, this thread and Rocky's last post in this thread (just this morning).


"I've added the event handling code back into the current code, so the PropertyDescriptor should be included when the event is raised after deserialization. This only affects BLB and is current in svn. "

I am not entirely sure what the problem you're outlining in your thread is, but it sounded familiar so I wanted to let you know of the post in the other thread that seemed like a similar issue.




RockfordLhotka replied on Wednesday, April 11, 2007

I've been recovering from unexpected surgery, which is why I haven't been all that active the past couple weeks.

I've added this to the to-do list, though I haven't actually researched to find the nature of the issue as yet.

GeorgeG replied on Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Thanks and hope you get well soon.

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