We've developed a set of Smart classes like SmartDate: SmartInt16, SmartInt32, SmartInt64, SmartFloat, SmartDecimal and SmartBool.
In the process of writing a common SmartFieldRequired rule, I mentioned to my colleage Charlie that we could assign an interface, ISmartField to the classes, and our rule could cast the object parameter coming in as the ISmartField interface.
Charlie hadn't worked with Interfaces before, and his whole face showed the mental confusion. If you've ever tried to change gears on a manual stick shift, and the gears aren't meshing, just grinding, you have the knowledge to recognize his expression. :)
So, I'm thinking, how can I make this easily understandable?
"Ok, Charlie, a beautiful woman walks into our area, sits at the empty desk next to you, and introduces herself as a new team-member. At that point, you cast her from the PrettyWoman class to the IColleague interface, and you deal with her in her aspect of colleague."
"Ok, Dave, I get it!" Pause. "But you are objectifying women!"
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