gdk9am posted on Sunday, April 15, 2007
would like some help on some problems with a data bound hierarchial (master detail) grid control version 3.5
1. My interface has a databound hierarchial master detail grid with multiple levels in one xceed toolwindow. The end user can select any record in any level and this selected record details are displayed in another xceed toolwindow. My user requirements are the following:
(a). The records in the current level of the master detail grid must be synchronised with the display of single records for that level.
(b) Navigation through the single records in the detailed view must change the selected row in the master detail grid for that level.
(c) Navigation through the master detail grid records must change the single record displayed in the detailed view.
I would like to do this in the easiest way so that this synchronisation is automatic without the detailed view knowing about the xceed grid control and having to manual change its position.
Can anyone who has used the xceed grid control in this way give me any points on how to implement this ?
2.For detail grids, I would like to filter the data using other fields as well as the relationship field using server side filtering on a CSLA object. How can this be done ?
3. Is anyone using the xceed grid control (master detail and master) with CSLA in new zealand ?