I've been beating my head against the wall for a week on this and am fairly certain i've done something stupid archtecturally. Any help would be appreciated.
The root of my problem is this; I have a hierarchy of user controls in my winforms app which I re-use in a number of places. As a result, I've built them fairly granularly. The structure looks something like this:
Account Details control
Account Address control
Account Contact control
The MainForm is just a container with a menuing system. The Account Details control has some unique UI components and then pulls together some other user controls to complete it's interface. At this point, the Account Details control and the sub controls each have their own BindingSource control. I create my CSLA biz object (editable root w/ child collections) inside the Account Details control and pass the object in to the child controls through their constructor. They then bind it to BindingSource controls for databinding. So, in this tree, I've got several BindingSource controls all bound to the same object. This works fine UNTIL I save changes to the object. Of course, at that point I've got a new object that has to be re-bound to the various binding sources in order to keep them in sync.
My questions are, should I be handling the BindingSource stuff differently. Is there some easy way to force an update of all the BindingSources that i'm missing?
I've gotten myself so turned around on this at this point that I might very well be missing the stupidly obvious or have just blown how I designed the code and done something stupid. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Rocky, thanks. I see it now. Hadn't gotten through the 2.1 docs yet. Hope you're feeling better.
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