Correct CodeSmith template?

Correct CodeSmith template?

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Michael Hildner posted on Monday, June 05, 2006


I'm making my first project using CSLA - have bought the C# version of the book. I downloaded the trial version of CodeSmith (version 3.2.7) and was using it to create my business objects and stored procedures.

Using the CSLA.NET | C# template, the class won't compile right away. Specifically, it uses "CSLA" instead of "Csla", it doesn't include the type argument in the class declaration, and the compiler tells me I need to implement GetIdValue().

While I can fix these issues, it makes me wonder if I'm using the correct CodeSmith template for the most recent version of CSLA (the zip file says 2.0.1, but the .dll says

Am I using the right template?




It looks like it's not a current template. After I fixed those above issues, I get a slew of warnings and errors - including the generated code using deprecated methods.

Michael Hildner replied on Monday, June 05, 2006

I found some templates here:


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