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david.wendelken posted on Wednesday, April 18, 2007

I updated CslaSrd (c# version) to include new smart classes, plus extended rule support and an extended validation rules library

(But I made a boo-boo when I uploaded it into CslaContrib, and put the new version in a sub-directory of the old version, so make sure you grab the right version!)

JoOfMetL replied on Thursday, April 19, 2007


I downloaded the CslaSrd project, and I have two errors during compilation :

In class : RuleReadOnlyRuledListBase<T, C> :  inherit from Csla.ReadOnlyRuledListBase<T, C> wich doesn't exist
In class : RuleReadOnlyRuledBase<T> inherit from Csla.ReadOnlyRuledBase<T> wich doesn't exist

Have I to forget something?

Thank you

david.wendelken replied on Thursday, April 19, 2007


I downloaded the CslaSrd project, and I have two errors during compilation :

In class : RuleReadOnlyRuledListBase<T, C> :  inherit from Csla.ReadOnlyRuledListBase<T, C> wich doesn't exist
In class : RuleReadOnlyRuledBase<T> inherit from Csla.ReadOnlyRuledBase<T> wich doesn't exist

Have I to forget something?

Thank you

No, I did!

Those two classes aren't ready to release yet, I haven't finished testing them.  They shouldn't be there (yet!).  So delete them.  If I knew how to get them out of source code control, I would.

They'll be re-added when they are ready.

Basically, when Rocky added the rules severity capability (error, warning, info), he forgot (or didn't have time or didn't want) to add it to the read only classes.  Techically, a read-only class could have broken rules (severity = warning or info), but the ReadOnlyBase class has no support for determining which rules are broken.  The ReadOnlyRuledBase<T> class is adding that capability, but it's not quite working yet.  Once it does, RuleReadOnlyRuledBase<T> would add the public properties of BrokenRules and Rules, just like RuleBusinessBase<T> has.


JoOfMetL replied on Thursday, April 19, 2007


Thank you for your answer

david.wendelken replied on Friday, April 27, 2007


I updated CslaSrd (c# version) to include new smart classes, plus extended rule support and an extended validation rules library

(But I made a boo-boo when I uploaded it into CslaContrib, and put the new version in a sub-directory of the old version, so make sure you grab the right version!)

I"ve made the corrections to the file placement.

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