ProjectTracker.NHibernate example solution on CodePlex

ProjectTracker.NHibernate example solution on CodePlex

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DavidDilworth posted on Thursday, May 03, 2007

I am pleased to announce the contribution of an example solution to the CSLAcontrib project on CodePlex that demonstrates the integration that is possible between CSLA and NHibernate.

Please use this thread for questions that relate to this work.


burmajam replied on Thursday, May 03, 2007

Hey man, this is great news. I hope it will be usefull for all of us. Maybe you could point out some situations and gotchas you had that are not book example, where some tricks should be used or that can't be done with NHibernate. For example mapping one class on multiple tables.

Anyway, tnx a lot for your effort

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